The years are 1987 through 1988. Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Glam "Hair" Bands were in high gear. Some of the more popular groups of the time were Bon Jovi, White Snake, Def Lepard and Guns'N Roses just to name a few. In Miami, Florida a group of guys with regular day jobs between the ages of 18-24 got together to create music and fun experiences enjoying life as friends. More details to come later.
The music on this blog are the songs created from those friendships. There were no high tech electronics nor digital recording studios to work from. The old fashion drum set, electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and raw vocals were all that we had. The lead singer on all of the songs is Deniz Kose in his first years performing. The quality of the recordings available on this blog to play and/or download are not very high. Most of the songs are with the group Mystix recorded with a cheap cassette recorder in the studio during rehearsal. All the songs lyrics and music are original and written collaboratively by the members of the band. There are 6 of the 22 original songs which were actually professionally recorded in the studio. Those 6 songs were transferred from old reel-to-reel tape to cassette, and then captured as an MP3. The six recordings had different musicians with Deniz Kose as the lead singer. Two of the six songs' lyrics were authored by Kenny Leibow. Unfortunately Mystix did not have suffiicient funds nor was together long enough to record their hook catching sound in a professional studio. I went through hundreds of hours of tapes to find the recordings with the most complete songs performed in live practice sessions. Also included are the six professionally recorded studio songs by Deniz Kose.
Song Lyrics and more information about the band members and their experiences coming soon. Please enjoy listening to the music online, link to, or download the songs to your MP3 Player i.e. IPod and vote on the songs that you like. With many thanks, Kenny Leibow
Hi, i listened to some of the music on this page and i enjoyed it. The only thing that annoyed me was the playback quality, but it was still enjoyable. I really liked the guitar solo, great blog!